Static Tabs
A simple, horizontal list of links
npx @rahimstack@latest add tabs
As opposed to NavigationMenu, StaticTabs are meant to be used for secondary navigation. On overflow, the component will be scrollable horizontally.
API Reference
const StaticTabsAnatomy = defineStyleAnatomy({
root: cva([
"flex w-full overflow-hidden overflow-x-auto",
trigger: cva([
"group/staticTabs__trigger inline-flex flex-none shrink-0 basis-auto items-center font-medium text-sm transition outline-none min-w-0 justify-center",
"text-[--muted] hover:text-[--text-color]",
"h-10 px-4 rounded-full",
"data-[current=true]:bg-[--subtle] data-[current=true]:font-semibold data-[current=true]:text-[--foreground]",
icon: cva([
"-ml-0.5 mr-2 h-4 w-4",